Sunday, May 16, 2010

Would you like England have a different national anthem?

I'm Scottish and I had goosebumps on Saturday when Flower of Scotland was belted out. Then last night as I watched the game with my English husband, God Save the Queen just didn't seem to evoke the same passion.

Don't get me wrong, I know loads of English people sing with all their hearts, but do you feel it would be better to have a national anthem that isn't sung any where else? Would you sing with more passion if you had a truly English-only song?

Would you like England have a different national anthem?
brilliant point, most working class joe's could not give a toss about the royals and have more respect for our forefathers who died for freedom in the two world wars. land of hope and glory brings my blood up evry time.
Reply:If you are looking for an appropriate tune to be played before England football matches, may I suggest the Funeral march.

Or maybe Money, Money, Money by Abba because it's all the players think about.
Reply:they should play the sex pistols version of the national anthem..'God save the Queen...the facist regime...' that would be cool!
Reply:Possibly, I get more goosebumps when "Land of Hope and Glory" is belted out at the Commonwealth Games.
Reply:Billy Connolly reckoned that the theme tune from The Archers would be a good replacement.
Reply:The sooner they dump "god save the queen" the better.
Reply:Yes i would. I hate the royal family with a passion and will not sing words in praise of them.

At Wembley last night, layabout thick-lipped in-bred William was given a police escort (5 motorcycles would you believe) out of the stadium, while us proles were held for 30 minutes in the pouring rain before the police would let us into the tube station.

That is why I hate them. We suffer while they ponce about flashing their wealth and privilege. Sticks in my craw.
Reply:Very well said snettert...couldn't agree more.
Reply:change it to Land of hope and glory!!!

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