Friday, May 21, 2010

Why is Hillary smiling all the way to the Whitehouse?

Because she has the backing of the feminist party, the gays and lesbians, La Raza and the illegals, the famales, some minorities, and a few white males who are brain dead. Even with this motley crew, she will not make it. 2007 means absolutely nothing. Candidates rise to glory and fall in shame over night, so do not party too soon San Franciso. In fact, pull your pants back up above your knees.

If she thinks winning the presidency is having a few good queens and lesbos then think again. 2008 will be different altogether. Jezebel will not sit on the throne.

Why is Hillary smiling all the way to the Whitehouse?
I sure hope your right - and as far as the poles, just remember the exit poles that had John Kerry packing his things for the trip to the White House on election nite.

As a side note - I personally think the democrats are in serious trouble if Hillary remains the front runner - there just isn't that many air heads in America that would put her in the White House - not again.
Reply:She's not there yet.
Reply:The Dems havent done a thing to end this war. They have had their chance with taking over the congress. With this take over...they have earned themselves the lowest approval rating in half a century. I seriously doubt Hillary would pull the troops if she had a snowball chance in hell of becoming Pres.
Reply:Because it is easier than frowning.
Reply:That's just a corn cob stuck up her butt. My mom got to met and have a pic taken with her when she came for some union thing. she looks like she is forcing the smile
Reply:She's smiling because of people like you who will continue to underestimate her and her growing support. Good luck with that.
Reply:She farted?
Reply:Once the campaign comes into full swing the American majority will just see how radical this woman is and the Republican candidate will be laughing all the way to the Whitehouse.
Reply:I'm not sure who I'm voting for yet, but I believe the men have had their chance and failed failed failed...... I believe those people that are so against Hillary are still in that old school of thinking that a white male is the only one for this position. I also think it breaks you down to your core of manhood in thinking that a woman can think for herself and can survive without a useless man.... Yes I'm a feminist and damn proud of it.... "Girl Power"
Reply:Evidently you live in your own world. The next election is going to have one main issue: Iraq. The Republicans (except for Ron Paul) support war without end in Iraq. The Democrats say they will end the war. It's really that simple. The American people don't support the war, and they're not going to support the Republicans in 2008. The only way the Democrats could lose this one, is if they nominate Hitler, and word on the street is that if Hitler ran, he'd run as a Republican.

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