Friday, May 21, 2010

Shakepeare's twelfth night and sonnet 130...please help?

I am writting and essay to analyze how both cover the similair theme to not judge a book by its cover. In twelfth night I know that Olivia is pretending to be her brother and the queen falls in love with her, olivia is also in love with the man teaching her to mature into a man and niether know that she is a woman. and in sonnet 130 he is explaining that his love may seem ugly on the outside but she is beautiful on the inside and he loves her anyway. If you could help me explain this a little better or give a few more ideas, that would help so much. Thank you!

Shakepeare's twelfth night and sonnet 130...please help?
Hello Amanda.

In the sonnet, he is not deceived by the physical appearance, but instead has a perception of understand (having the ability to clearly see things the vvay they are, not vvhat they present themselves to be) and his love is pure and true. He loves her for vvhom and vvhat she truly is.

In Tvvelfe-Night, or vvhat you vvill (Tvvelfth Night), it is vice versa. The characters are by appearance deceived. The rich countess (queen), Olivia, vvas in love by vvhat perceiveth she. But vvhat perceiveth she vvas a guise, a front, vvhich used Viola as a veil for her true self, tricking also the sea captain vvhom she fell in love vvith. They knevv not the actual but the fake outvvard look, and had a false relationship vvith Viola, until the end.

I hope this helps vvith your essay. Take care.

Matthevv 19:11 But He said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to vvhom it is given. 12 For there are some eunuchs, vvhich vvere so born from their mother's vvomb: and there are some eunuchs, vvhich vvere made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, vvhich have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

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