Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What effect does rabies exposure have on unborn kittens?

Same old story, client dumps pregnant cat "found" in her garage last Saturday. She took it to het vet who vacc'd it for Rabies (ahh!) on Fri night, tested it (-/-). Cat lives like a queen in my guest room, drontal for tape worm but no other issues. Watch her like an impatient child, nothing yet. Call a friend cause her butt looks like it"poking out", she births a much anticipated poop, days goes by.. she seems aggitated, I move into guest room, dogs cry all night at door, no kittens. Next day go to work, come home, cat has HUGE swollen front leg, hmm. Call crazy rescue lady who tells me she suspects injury, jumping while fat from pregnancy (gimme a break). Check her over, yep, bite wound. Call vet at 9pm to beg for advice, four year old human child in bed, blah blah. Tells me to drudge up amoxi, 50mg 2x, found and done. Cat still unhappy, crazy rescue friend brings up rabies, wonderful. So... if the cat did actually get a bite before Sat when will I know? Will kittens have it?

What effect does rabies exposure have on unborn kittens?

u seen to have more info

than i do

i really hope your

kittens come out heathy

and rabie free

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