Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What is the best defense against a rude person?

My roomie from last year is a pretty rude person, and a drama queen. We were randomly placed together and I didn't like her after she started talking about everyone (including her friends) behind their backs. She loved to argue about everything, and I always remained reasonable, which in fact made her more angry because it's very difficult to argue and yell at a reasonable person (who didn't do anything to be yelled at in the first place). She enjoyed creating problems out of nothing and blowing the tiniest, even non-existent things, way out of proportion and held grudges for weeks instead of actually dealing with them like an adult. She always had to get her way, like when it was "too hot" for her in winter and I had to freeze while she opened the window at night. I dealt with all this by simply avoiding her and only being in the room at night to sleep (and even then sometimes I'd spend the night in a friend's room). She never apologized for anything and told lies to the RA.

What is the best defense against a rude person?
Well sweetheart it appears that you've tried to be nice, too nice in the point where you have denied yourself a back bone where this girl is concerned. My advise is to stop being so meek and accomidating. You don't have to be ugly but short and sweet. For example with the whole freezing you out a simple "Look here chick, I'm living here too, you are not the queen bee so let's get off that high horse princess and realize the world doesnt revolve around you or I'll break the damn thermostat" LOL! Could you imagine her face! =)
Reply:knock her azz OUT!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Let's talk about farts instead.

You're nuts
Reply:Become un bearable for her...basically show no consideration for her...bring friends over without letting her know.

Close the window when she opens it..say its too cold. stuff like that
Reply:Sounds like you're doing all the right things right now. Continue to respond in an adult manner. If it doesn't just drive her nuts, you may rub off on her! Who knows? With you as an example, maybe she will finally grow up.
Reply:There's this old saying: Kill'em with kindness- do just that. Be nice to her, even if she's a female dog... Smile at her when you see her, say hello, good morning... little things like that. I know it'll be hard considering you don't like her, but she'll be so shocked and confused, she won't know what to do. It'll become bothersome to her.
Reply:Sweet heart ... the best thing to do about a situation like this is to mind your own business! You are wasting way too much energy being concerned about your roomie. Sounds like home girl could care less about what you and others think about her. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe she's that way because she "does not" like you either. Maybe she's trying to get you to vacate... Ya think???
Reply:Ignore her and see if you can find a different place to stay.
Reply:Kill 'em with kindness. They hate that.
Reply:inform her that if she keeps the present state of mind that she will eventually push away everyone who is simply "dealing" with her. She will eventually end up with no friends. Or she'll just be surround by like-minded people such as herself.

"Some people crave drama. Some people seem to need it."

Suggest that she read a book that covers communication. There are several out there to choose from.

If she's unable to comprehend why you are telling her this information or unwilling to admit she's over baring then there is probably no hope. It sound likes she grew up always getting what she wanted so her brain is hard wired to expect others to submit to her needs and wants. All you can do is make an attempt to encourage her to improve her communication and social skills. If she's unwilling to try and learn then the only thing you can do is try to avoid her as much as possible.

You should even suggest her to read the comments posted about your question here...She may or may not understand. She might take it as a personal attack by you and hold a grudge against you for the rest of her life OR decide she wants to improve herself to the extent of her ability.

Of course if you didn't care for the person in the first place you wouldn't be asking this question.
Reply:keep it pushing and when she's in that mood, act like she's not even there

children shoes

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