Friday, May 21, 2010

How to fix a gossip queen.?

okso theres this girl in my class, who is completely obsessed with gossip and everyone knows it. the only thing is, people dont know whether to believe what she says or not. like yesterday in gym class:

i was talking to my friend shelby about how i went clubbing on sun night and how we need to get a big group of friends to go together. but she said she didnt want to invite a certain friend because of the way she would the last half of this convo, i knew gossip queen was listening, so i tried to get shelby to naturally, gossip queen being who she is, literally turns right around and tells the "certain friend" about it.

who gets mad

and automatically blames me for it

but then shelby covered for us later when "certain friend" asked about it. but... getting to the point.

normally we find gossip queen hilarious because of the the stuff she repeats. now its getting kinda annoying. so if you have any ideas of ways to make her look stupid, they are much appreciated. :]

How to fix a gossip queen.?
I would confront gossip queen and tell her I don't appreciate her telling your friend you said something when she wasn't even involved in the conversation.

The next time you're chatting with a friend and little miss gossip is in hearing distance, I would just say "We need to talk about this later when "name" isn't around." And then you and your friend walk away. Even if you're talking about what color nail polish you have on. Don't let this rumor-mill hear anything you have to say.

I also would stop listening to her stories. When she starts, just say something like, "I don't have time to listen to what "name" overhears someone else saying." And again, walk away from it.
Reply:When the girl starts gossiping then don't pay any attention to what she is saying. She only does things like that because she wants the attention and that is how she is getting it.
Reply:i would bet the **** out of her
Reply:tell the person how you feel or start a gossip about her!!!!!!!
Reply:Starting gossip about this gossip queen is the wrong thing to do. You see how you feel right now about her, and so it's very wrong of you to be doing the same thing to her. You're being a hypocrite then! Try just telling her you don't like how she gossips so much, and that she should start changing it because people are making her feel bad and don't like it. This way, she'll get an idea that people aren't enjoying her presence all the time, and she'll probably stop. Even telling her is making her feel stupid, but don't intentionally try to!

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