Friday, November 13, 2009

What are the lyrics to mozarts magic flute"queen of the night" in its original form or english?

Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen,

Tot und Verzweiflung flammet um mich her!

Fühlt nicht durch dich Sarastro


So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr.

Verstossen sei auf ewig,

Verlassen sei auf ewig,

Zertrümmert sei'n auf ewig

Alle Bande der Natur

Wenn nicht durch dich

Sarastro wird erblassen!

Hört, Rachegötter,

Hoert der Mutter Schwur!

Hells Revenge cooks in my heart,

Death and despair flame about me!

If Sarastro does not through you feel

The pain of death,

Then you will be my daughter nevermore.

Disowned may you be forever,

Abandoned may you be forever,

Destroyed be forever

All the bonds of nature,

If not through you

Sarastro becomes pale! (as death)

Hear, Gods of Revenge,

Hear a mother's oath!

What are the lyrics to mozarts magic flute"queen of the night" in its original form or english?
Oh, do not tremble, my dear son!

You are guiltless, wise, and pious.

A young man like you is best able

to comfort the deeply distressed heart of a mother.

Suffering is my lot,

for my daughter is not with me.

Through her I have lost all my happiness;

a villain made off with her.

I still see her trembling

with alarm and shock,

quivering with anxiety,

struggling timidly.

I had to see her stolen from me,

"Ah help!" was all she said;

but her pleading was in vain,

for my aid was too feeble.

You will go to free her,

you will be the rescuer of my daughter.

And if I see you as victor,

then may she be yours for ever.


My heart is seething with hellish vengeance,

death and despair are blazing around me!

Unless Sarastro feels the pangs of death at your hands

you are no longer my daughter.

Forever disowned, forever abandoned,

forever destroyed may all ties of nature be,

unless Sarastro dies at your hands!

Hear! Gods of vengeance! Hear a mother's vow!

Below is the entire libretto.

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