Monday, November 16, 2009

GUYS-Can a one night stand become anything more than that for you????

If you have a one night stand with a girl, (and see her after that) are you seeing her only for more sex or could she ever become something more serious for you? And she is showing signs that she might want something more.

Asking merely as a female and not the one-night-stand queen ;)

GUYS-Can a one night stand become anything more than that for you????
From a ethical guy's point of view: If we go out on one date or not even a date and get to sleep with you, several things go through our head. Number one: she's done this before. Number two: how often does she do this and Number three: she most not care that much about herself to sleep with someone she just met. Now after saying these things, as men we will not say no to sleeping with a woman on the first night/first date however after stating the above things why would we call her the next day? If you want a real relationship opporunity, weed the bastards out!!! No sex on the first date, a kiss maybe!!! Keep him coming back!!!
Reply:mosty one night stand stands for no serious relation or any chance of meeting again,

but some times after u go for such a thing u might feel that ur partner is some thing what u would like to continue with and u feel like seeing him again and want more from him.

We boys too have a heart and feel some similar feelings at times, which is also linked with physical pleasure, and more than that too at times....
Reply:Yes! Most relationships don't start this way, but it does happen. Some guys would do it for the sex and others would do it because they are genuinely interested in the girl, but most would do it for both reasons.
Reply:Yes it can, all new relationships start somewhere.

A one night stand would not be the ideal start, but who knows.
Reply:Please look in dictionary under one night stand.
Reply:For me it could be something more if that is what she really wanted...

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