Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Can a night take a queen when your are in check?

i was playing micosoft chess and my king is in check by a black queen like (king F1, queen D3, night F2) my night so i want to go night F2 to D3 but the computer will not let me?

Can a night take a queen when your are in check?
What probably happened is that there was a black rook or another black queen elsewhere on the F file directly facing the knight and king without anything in the way. Therefore, your knight would be pinned to the king because if he moves then your king will be taken. The game should not let you move him. There is no other possible reason for this to happen.
Reply:Did you asked the inventor of the game? He she or it should know, the rules were made by the inventor.
Reply:you can but it depends on where ur night is so um look at the instructions it may help i hope i have been helpful.
Reply:The only way you could have taken the queen is if it was the only piece that had your king in check.
Reply:that move should b legal so long as by moving your knight u do not open your king to check by another piece...was there another piece that was being blocked by the knight?...if not...the game prolly had a glitch
Reply:In real life, it is possible unless the opponent has another move that can kill your king if the night is moved away.
Reply:Yes. A knight can take a queen if your in check, but only if the queen is the one causing check. if another peice is causing check, then you'll either need to capture that piece, or... move your king out of the way

Hope that helps!
Reply:idk glitch maybe?

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